What is waivern?

Waiver applies experienced and “hands-on” leadership in AI and GDPR regulations, technology and product management into services for companies rolling out AI.

We understand that our clients need

  • excellent service with rapid turnarounds

  • practical and pragmatic expertise

  • attention to legal detail

  • a keen eye for both the user experience and business outcomes.

AI and privacy governance is our core business, not yours.

We know that maintaining in-house experts to do all the necessary work to keep your governance set-up in a healthy state is something that many companies simply can’t make a priority. Your legal team aren’t all AI and GDPR experts. Your engineers have more valuable work to do. And yet the law makes it a necessity. Let waivern take this burden.

Our founder

The founder of Waivern, Vincent Nunan, has over twenty years of product leadership experience in B2B (financial services) and B2C digital services and speaks fluent Norwegian and German. Originally from Ireland, Vincent has AIGP and CIPP/E certifications from the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) and an Executive MBA with Distinction from Imperial College of Science and Technology in London.

The founding team for Waivern is still a work in progress. If you have AI or GDPR experience in product, technology, design or sales/marketing roles and an interest in joining a new company in a dynamic and growing sector, get in touch!